Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Lo and behold, the cat emerged from the closet; never saw it coming, akin to the myriad times the wraith paid his respects in my chamber, my alcove and ensnaring prison, startling me. Long I stood there before I took account of my surroundings, all shrouded in darkness like covered in a mystifying veil; silence reverberated through the room, only the murmur of faraway nightlife hindered it from a full-fledged state, permeating dimly by means of the lilliputian window above, left ajar deliberately to maintain awareness, let alone consciousness as my air supply started to dwindle.

A stagnant stench everbearing by means of bloodstained carcasses made implausible, albeit necessary to inhale, if there was a dwelling close to Tartarus on Earth, it has to be this apartment, my own personal hell and playground, thwarted only by my sentinel and blooming executioner. It has been 1 month since I was locked up here, sagacious as I am, no preemptive action could have prevent him from ostracize me.

Three o'clock in the morning... the feline gave me the heads-up of his inexorably wretched coming, his corpulent and repugnant physique matched only by his twisted and grotesque physiognomy, the hint of heavy footsteps only outweighed by his abohorrent countenance, scarred throghout, heralded his presence, his grimace corroded by the very same feeling of hatred that all of his cohorts depicted, as if possessed by some uncanny force, arcane in nature; my sentinel, always wielding a gargantuan machete, cumbersome for a mere human, but featherlight for his anomalous muscle; crash opened the door...

Monday, March 23, 2009


...almost shredding it to pieces, his prominent height compelled him to bent down, his face concealed in a cloak was the blatant attestation of my doomsday, as I have already took cognizance of what a veiled countenance meant; immediately reaching out for me, as if I was being dragged into a vortex, inexorably seizing me. He revealed a hollow in the machete's hilt, unbeknown to me until that gruesome dusk, the cavity contained a syringe filled with an obnoxious and turbid concoction, a wave of panic overwhelmed me leaving me totally astounded to even act, not that it would make a difference when subdued by his outrageous puissance. The gigantesque needle plunged into my back, releasing its content, I could not struggle, feel, or even reason any longer, my consciousness started to fade as my head spinned wildly, I still could see him...taking off his mask to disclose greater abominable features, mumbling some gibberish to his cohorts, my sight blurred by the effects of fear and the drug;

And then I saw it, all of a sudden my surroundings changed, the plethora of blood pouring down , a never ending flow of cadavers permeating my now unrecognizable alcove, the moanings and lamentations of their anguish, somehow by means of that shot I was in a place utterly wretched and foul, the stench of death abounded, the wraith was there...waiting for me, shrieking my memories would come back soon...and so they did...

Friday, March 20, 2009


It took me some minutes to completely come to my senses, which incidentally, were not human at all; I felt imbued with a grandiose, atrocious power. I was no longer that miserable and sleazy human, whose feeble being I had been embodying for the last 3 months. I smirked to myself, laughter resounded as a harbinger in every nook and cranny, wretchedness and wrath of never ending flare echoed alongside agony and dolor from the undead, choiring for my return and fully-awaken form , the wraith was no other but my ever loyal servant, who, following its master orders, oversaw the whole process I underwent in hands of my executioner , it was its command coupled with its meddlesome nature that characterized it, which ensured the fulfilment and success of my scheme; if not performed in due course and time, my beingness would have been obliterated, let alone my demon status.

The concoction that was injected into my veins as a human was actually a bane forged by alchemy of Citrine (a valuable ore in the underworld) and souls of the damned, meant to demolish the temporal bridge between the demon and human worlds, by means of this link, my consciousness could trek in the portal, and ultimately reach the mind of a human, among the eligible were those that befit in the malevolent category, those with a heart so dark that makes their takeover a wholly delightful pleasure to be enjoyed with parsimony, after my possession they did not come back to their former selves, they became informers in disguise, with no mind of their own, merely pawns degrading themselves to putrescent organic matter, capable of widespreading my dominion by means of contagion through the miasma pouring out eventually, lethal as a virus.

My sought-after goal was undoubtedly to establish a permanent demon-human nexus, spreading havoc in that world corrupted by vengeance and prone to a state of decay, after all, both legacies lingers within me, mingling in my hybrid blood. Eagerness started it all, as I, in my seek-out for power in order to abolish the titanic boundaries to open a gateway, devised this scheme, comprising two trials that ancient demidevils and demigods prepared in anticipation, one as a human, the other as a demon.

Alas, to my distress, there was a constituent I was not able to obtain comfortably for the human phase, the memento my mother gave the two of us... my brother and I, he kept both shards as keepsake, in the backside our names engraved "Daedalus and Dagfinn"...